Just two days after the startup Wrapp’s investment announcement, Atomico has released news of yet another big deal on its plate. Niklas Zennström’s venture firm has invested $4.2 million into the 6Wunderkinder team and its forthcoming product, Wunderkit (Update – February 2023: The startup seems to be no longer in business under this name and we therefore deactivated the link)
6Wunderkinder has already released a product called Wunderlist, which is a free task management tool that allows users to make detailed ‘to do’ lists that can be shared with friends. The cloud based service, which was launched in November 2010, has been downloaded more than 3.5 million times and already has about 1.5 million registered users.
The Berlin-based startup is currently working on a new product called Wunderkit, which will help users with organising both personal and professional work. The beta version of Wunderkit will probably be released around Christmas. Watch the following Wunderkit video to find out more about the new product, or at least about the design of its homepage:
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Thanks for the article Thomas! Look out for the Wunderkit beta soon 🙂
cool team, cool idea! We interviewed Jess and Matt today. Thumbs up for 6Wunderkinder!!
[…] a few months after the $4,2 million investment of Atomico, 6Wunderkinder has now released a closed beta version of its previously announced […]