HomeGermany-StartupsUS-born scientific researcher network ResearchGATE is moving to Berlin

US-born scientific researcher network ResearchGATE is moving to Berlin

ResearchGATE, one of world’s largest social networks for scientists, is going to move its headquarters from Boston to Berlin. A well-known US investor, Matt Cohler, has advised the young company to prefer the German capital as an alternative to Silicon Valley.

ResearchGate was founded in 2008 to address the problems in how science is created and shared in the modern day. Their mission is to connect the world of science and make research open to all, via a researcher community that uses the platform to connect, collaborate, and share their work.

One third of the ResearchGATE-members are physicians and biologists, followed by information technology, chemistry, physics and social sciences. According to recent press reports, there are 2000 new scientists that are signing in every day.

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Thomas Ohr
Thomas Ohr
Thomas Ohr is the "Editor in Chief" of EU-Startups.com and started the blog in October 2010. He is excited about Europe's future, passionate about new business ideas and lives in Barcelona (Spain).


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